Monday, October 16, 2017

Why Starting Up A Business Is A Bad Idea

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Why Starting Up A Business Is A Bad Idea

The trend today has become - Starting your own business or being an Entrepreneur. Almost every second youngster on Social Media has this intense fascination with running a business or opening his own business. In fact, today even the talk about dropping out from school, college or even a stable job to start a business seems to be apparently 'the best solution'.

Or is it?

In my own personal experience of people starting and going on new business ventures - the number of people who have ended up losing everything and going from bad to worse - has been too many to count. In fact when I speak to anyone - any employee or any student who tells me - Hey, I want to start a business - Immediately, I warn them about the dangers of getting into the business world.

In this video I state the dangers and drawbacks of getting into business.

The key points are

1. Number of hours

2. No day off

3. Before one boss - Everyone’s your boss

4. 1 area of specialization - Multiple areas of specialization

5. Money management

6. Lies & Fraud

7. Stress 100 times more

8. First 2 years you will be bleeding money - 90% lose everything

9. Multiple roles - Sales, Marketing, Accounts, Selling You, Hustling, Begging, Management, Man Power

10. Bad Luck

Watch the video and let me know what you think about my controversial views on Why Starting Up A Business Is A Bad Idea.

Loy Machedo

#thinkpersonalbranding #personalbranding #money #success #entrepreneur

Loy Machedo

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