Monday, October 16, 2017

How To Be More Consistent And Avoid Procrastination

How To Be More Consistent And Avoid Procrastination

How To Be More Consistent, Avoid Procrastination & Develop New Habits.

This seems to be a major challenge for almost anyone and everyone from all walks of life - How to be more consistent and avoid procrastination. Especially given that today - we have so many softwares, apps, website and social media sites which use all the scientific research and weapons necessary to ensure every single person - young or old is distracted and has very little self-control to avoid saying no to them.

And the problem of this is people tend to avoid being consistent with those things that matter and procrastinate with those tasks which are not fun or favorable. It is always "I will do it later"

So in this video what I have done is bring together all the possible simple strategies which have enabled me to ensure that I am able to stay consistent with the things that matter and avoid procrastination.

Here are the main pointers in the video:

How To Be More Consistent And Avoid Procrastination

1. Make it easy (Keep clothes ready - food diet)

2. Do the basic minimum (bare minimum)

3. Do it everyday

4. Get Support

5. Change environment

6. Make it fun

7. Measureable

8. Rewards (show off or buy something)

9. Be clear (Why)

10. Trail & error & modify & improve

Watch the video and share with me your comments below.

How To Be More Consistent, Avoid Procrastination & Develop New Habits.

Loy Machedo

#thinkpersonalbranding #personalbranding #habits #consistency #change, #procrastination 

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