Monday, October 16, 2017

Bariatric Surgery - 28 Pounds Lost In 25 Days - A Report

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Bariatric Surgery - 28 Pounds Lost In 25 Days - A Report

For those people who are curious to know and keep a tab on my progress - here is the overall progress of my Bariatric Surgery.

I completed my surgery on September 20th, 2017 at Silverline Hospital in Kochi, Kerala, India. I wanted to go in for the Gastric Bypass Surgery. However, at the 11th hour, my doctor managed to convince me to go in for the Gastric Bypass Mini Surgery.

To be honest, my Doctor - Dr. Tom Babu wanted me to go for the Gastric Sleeve and not the Bypass - but I opted for the Gastric Bypass Surgery. (BTW - He is an Amazing Chap!)

So after having the surgery done, initially it was very hard. I was afraid of eating the wrong foods. However, through trial and error, I am learning what I can eat and what I cannot.

Right now as it stands, I have lost around 28 pounds in 25 days. One of the main reasons for losing this weight is because I hardly able to eat anything. The second problem is - when I do eat - I get full immediately. So it is a very welcome sign for me.

However, there are also the mistakes that I make where my food habits are concerned.

So in this video you will get a no-hold-barred honest and genuine report of how my journey has been in the 25 days after the surgery. If you have any questions - please feel free to get in touch with me.

Loy Machedo

#thinkpersonalbranding #personalbranding #BariatricSurgery #weightloss #diabetics #cholesterol #bloodpressure

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