Monday, October 16, 2017

13 Reasons Why You Will Fail Guaranteed


13 Reasons why you will Fail Guaranteed

Almost every youtube channel, article and blog has positive articles, optimistic strategies and hyped up 'secrets' to success. But then the question is - why do people still fail? Why is it some just cannot succeed?

In this video I will share with you 13 absolutely sure traits which will ensure you will not succeed at any cost. You can either have 1 or all of these traits. And if you have any one of these traits - you will not succeed.

To summarize what are the points I have stated on this video:

13 reasons you will never succeed

1. You do not have mentor

2. Ignorance (Don't know what you do not know)

3. Arrogance (Think by believing in yourself)

4. Plan Stupid

5. Academically intelligent

6. Lack of Practicality & Commonsense

7. Cherry Picking People's Examples

8. Unwillingness to change

9. Not having a vision, strategy & time bound goal

10. Not willing to get out of your comfort zone

11. Leaving everything last minute

12. Giving excuses

13. Discounting Hard work

So here is my view on 13 Reasons why you will Fail Guaranteed. Let me know what you think about my views in the comments section below. Would love to hear your version of why someone would fail - guaranteed!

Loy Machedo

#thinkpersonalbranding #personalbranding #failure #success #career #todaysgeneration

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