Tuesday, October 3, 2017

5 Idiots Of The Month - Which One Is The Biggest?

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5 Idiots Of The Month - Which One Is The Biggest?


There are tons of people who get in touch with me for various reasons. From students to senior executives. However, there are some people who really need to get themselves mentally sorted out. And then there are the others who are plain manipulative & twisted.

Here is the list of the top 5 idiots for the month who contacted me for their so-called 'Goals & Dreams'

1) The person with financial problems who didn't have money for my coaching but had the money to go and buy an iPhone X. What makes this stupid is not that the person wanted to buy an iPhone - rather the fact that the person wanted help with regards to his job and claimed he didn't have money. So how did he have the money for the iPhone?

2) This is a female who lost her job and who was truly seeking help, guidance, and coaching. I told her what was to be done (go apply like a person obsessed). Instead what she does? She decides to go for a holiday so that she can be less stressed and more relaxed. Seriously, how does going for a holiday help you get a job that too during the recessionary phase like the one we are going through right now?

3) Female who wanted to be the next Oprah, the next Superstar, the next Hot Model. What is the problem here? She is in her 40's and what she believes will make her success? Positive Affirmation, Visualization & Belief in herself.

4) Guy who lost his job - who was an employee all these years - suddenly decided - the solution to his problem? Open up a restaurant. What is the problem here? He knows nothing about the food business and nothing about food and nothing about running a business. And to add to all this - he also teamed up with a partner.

5) Last if not the least, a guy who got so inspired by me - that he resigned from his job, created a website and now wants to start his 'new' life as a Brand. Only problem? He doesn't have any customers or any experience.

So who is the biggest idiot? You choose.

Loy Machedo

#idiots #fools #stupidity #questions #fools

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