Monday, October 16, 2017

13 Reasons Why I Choose Not To Live In India

#loymachedo shares a controversy

13 Reasons Why I Choose Not To Live In India

Not this is a video that is not going to be liked by many Indians primarily because it addresses a question many have asked me - Why is it that I choose not to stay or reside in India.

I have put together 13 reasons why I choose not to be in India

1. Indian Mentality (Narrow, Religious, Racist, Free)

2. Indian attitude (Urinating, damage public property,

3. Indians pay taxes why?

4. Corruption (Fake degrees) & ignorance

5. Indian population & saturation

6. Competition

7. Hygiene

8. Expensive

9. Education is outdated

10. Double Standards

11. Hostility

12. Rape & Crimes

13. Identity Crisis

These are the main headings as to why I choose not to be in India. Now I am pretty sure everyone will have their view point on why India is great, why they love India, why India is better than most other countries. However, I guess just like other people have their point of view why India is great, I have a point of view as to why India is not so great. In fact, India's greatness cannot be taken as something that just happens by default - especially when you ignore the big problems that are existing.

So here is my take on my I choose not to reside or stay in India. Let me know what you think about it in the comments section below.

#ThinkPersonalBranding #PersonalBranding #India #indians #corruption

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