Monday, October 16, 2017

My 26 Predictions For The Year 2117

#loymachedo's Predictions of Future

1. World War 3 will begin with the USA

2. Twitter, Instagram, Skype, Apple & Snapchat will close down and no longer exist.

3. Citibank, Goldman Sachs, Merrill Lynch will no longer be relevant

4. The Middle East will no longer attract talent like before and will lose it charm as now oil will no longer be a power play factor.

5. YOUTUBE will be replaced as the market leader for youtube with many new competitors

6. Apples' iPhone will no longer be a market leader

7. Facebook will no longer be a monopoly as its competitors will take over

8. Audi, Volvo, GM, Ford will no longer be dominant

9. Emirates Airlines will no longer be as great as they portrayed themselves to be. Etihad will take over.

10. Electric cars will take over the world.

11. INDIA, CHINA, RUSSIA & ASIA will emerge as the new superpower economies with new talents, freelancers offering high quality & cost effective solutions

12. People who have invested BILLIONS will lose nearly 80% of their savings

13. People will realize the global warming was a fake assumption as the global climates will start to reverse and get colder

14. Another 100 species will get extinct

15. USA will no longer be a world leader as people will no longer want to invest in USA or its empty promises or investments (Especially after the property bubble)

16. A new superpower will emerge and other nations will support it.

17. There will 2 superpowers - one left with their allies and one right with their allies

18. The dollar will no longer have its value or importance

19. People will seek alternative investments

20. Racism, Religious Problems, Outdated Education, Mass Unemployment, Shift in the Corporate Structure

21. The highest number of a youngster who will no longer want to study, learn, go to school or university will be increased to an incredible new high. Self Education will now take over.

22. 99% of what we study today and consider important - will no longer be relevant anymore.

23. Outsourcing Freelancers will occupy a massive share of the market

24. Making easy money online will no longer that easy. The only ones who will survive is those with high credibility.

25. Governments will start taxing online incomes

26. Loy Machedo will have a son and daughter and will be dead and forgotten.

Let me know what you think and which one resonated with you.

Loy Machedo

#thinkpersonalbranding #personalbranding #predictions #world #future

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