Monday, October 16, 2017

Bariatric Surgery - 28 Pounds Lost In 25 Days - A Report

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Bariatric Surgery - 28 Pounds Lost In 25 Days - A Report

For those people who are curious to know and keep a tab on my progress - here is the overall progress of my Bariatric Surgery.

I completed my surgery on September 20th, 2017 at Silverline Hospital in Kochi, Kerala, India. I wanted to go in for the Gastric Bypass Surgery. However, at the 11th hour, my doctor managed to convince me to go in for the Gastric Bypass Mini Surgery.

To be honest, my Doctor - Dr. Tom Babu wanted me to go for the Gastric Sleeve and not the Bypass - but I opted for the Gastric Bypass Surgery. (BTW - He is an Amazing Chap!)

So after having the surgery done, initially it was very hard. I was afraid of eating the wrong foods. However, through trial and error, I am learning what I can eat and what I cannot.

Right now as it stands, I have lost around 28 pounds in 25 days. One of the main reasons for losing this weight is because I hardly able to eat anything. The second problem is - when I do eat - I get full immediately. So it is a very welcome sign for me.

However, there are also the mistakes that I make where my food habits are concerned.

So in this video you will get a no-hold-barred honest and genuine report of how my journey has been in the 25 days after the surgery. If you have any questions - please feel free to get in touch with me.

Loy Machedo

#thinkpersonalbranding #personalbranding #BariatricSurgery #weightloss #diabetics #cholesterol #bloodpressure

Why Did I Choose Bariatric Surgery Though I Was Perfectly Healthy

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Why Did I Choose Bariatric Surgery Though I Was Perfectly Healthy

This is going to be maybe the most controversial video even more controversial than the other videos I have posted before. This is a video about why I choose to opt for Bariatric Surgery done on my body - thus changing my life forever even though I was perfectly healthy.

Normally people who opt for Bariatric Surgery have Blood Pressure or Diabetics or Cholesterol or are Absolutely Overweight. However, in my case, I opted for this surgery even though I wasn't morbidly overweight, I wasn't dying of Diabetics, I didn't have blood pressure and even though I did have a cholesterol problem - it wasn't a matter of life and death.

So what prompted me to go under the knife and risk so many things?

Why I choose surgery

1. A Family History of Diabetics, BP &

2. My Age

3. The Impact of Age on Metabolism

4. My Food addiction

5. My Body type

6. My Changing Priorities

7. Learning To Be Realistic

8. The Environment (Wife, Country)

9. My Will Power (Stress work)

10. Walking The Tight Rope

Watch the video and let me know what do you think.

Loy Machedo

#thinkpersonalbranding #personalbranding #Bariatric #surgery #weightloss #bloodpressure #diabetics #cholesterol

Why Starting Up A Business Is A Bad Idea

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Why Starting Up A Business Is A Bad Idea

The trend today has become - Starting your own business or being an Entrepreneur. Almost every second youngster on Social Media has this intense fascination with running a business or opening his own business. In fact, today even the talk about dropping out from school, college or even a stable job to start a business seems to be apparently 'the best solution'.

Or is it?

In my own personal experience of people starting and going on new business ventures - the number of people who have ended up losing everything and going from bad to worse - has been too many to count. In fact when I speak to anyone - any employee or any student who tells me - Hey, I want to start a business - Immediately, I warn them about the dangers of getting into the business world.

In this video I state the dangers and drawbacks of getting into business.

The key points are

1. Number of hours

2. No day off

3. Before one boss - Everyone’s your boss

4. 1 area of specialization - Multiple areas of specialization

5. Money management

6. Lies & Fraud

7. Stress 100 times more

8. First 2 years you will be bleeding money - 90% lose everything

9. Multiple roles - Sales, Marketing, Accounts, Selling You, Hustling, Begging, Management, Man Power

10. Bad Luck

Watch the video and let me know what you think about my controversial views on Why Starting Up A Business Is A Bad Idea.

Loy Machedo

#thinkpersonalbranding #personalbranding #money #success #entrepreneur

Loy Machedo

My 13 Steps Strategy to Success

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My 13 Steps Strategy to Success

Guess which is the most common question I get asked by all the youngsters around the world - Yes, the infamous "Secrets To Success".

Everyone wants to know the SECRETS TO SUCCESS because according to them - everyone has a 'SECRET' and that is why those people who are being successful, are successful.

So in this video I have outlined some of the secrets of my own life. I honestly do not know about others and do not want to assume about others. So that is why I only prefer and choose to talk about myself.

If you want to know the so called 'Secrets to Success' in my life - these are 13 Secrets or Strategies. They are namely

1. Having a Mentor

2. Being Absolutely Obsessed

3. Always Being Consistent

4. The Importance of Money

5. The Importance of Time

6. The Importance of Intense Effort

7. The Power of Being Ultra Competitive

8. Having and Using Practical Creative

9. Learning to be Proactive & a Futurist

10. The most important and powerful factor - Luck

11. Being an Extremist or an Absolute

12. The Hidden Power of Making Sacrifices

13. The Basic Foundation of Which Success is Built - Hard Work

So here are the 13 steps or strategies to Success that have helped me reach where I am today. See what works best for you and yes, do let me know which one resonated with you the most.

Loy Machedo

#thinkpersonalbranding #personalbranding #money #success

9 Logical Tips Before Falling In love

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9 Logical Tips Before Falling In love

A topic everyone would want to know the answers to - What are the logical steps before falling love? Or what should I keep in mind before falling in love.

Here is the summary of the video presentation I have just shared. The 9 Logical Tips Before Falling In love

1. After the sex is over - then what?

2. More than Physical - Mental, Emotional, Logical, Analytical

3. Love the Best - What about the worst?

4. Money - Pregnancy, Medicines, Education, House, Future,

5. Married to the family

6. Day to Day Grind

7. Other Factors - Ego, Privacy, Mood Swings, Tolerance, Patience

8. Are you an option or priority

9. Chemistry, Connection & Similarities

Keep in mind this is not a fool-proof list but this is as close to reality as it can get. Men and Women are built differently and they will always have different sets of priorities and focus. So understanding these differences is important.

Have a look at the points I cover in this video titled 9 Logical Tips Before Falling In love. Let me know what you think and do share your comments in the comments section down below.

Here is hoping for you to fall in love with the right person, at the right time and enjoying the right life.

Loy Machedo

#thinkpersonalbranding #branding #personalbranding #brand #love #fallinginlove #women #men

My 26 Predictions For The Year 2117

#loymachedo's Predictions of Future

1. World War 3 will begin with the USA

2. Twitter, Instagram, Skype, Apple & Snapchat will close down and no longer exist.

3. Citibank, Goldman Sachs, Merrill Lynch will no longer be relevant

4. The Middle East will no longer attract talent like before and will lose it charm as now oil will no longer be a power play factor.

5. YOUTUBE will be replaced as the market leader for youtube with many new competitors

6. Apples' iPhone will no longer be a market leader

7. Facebook will no longer be a monopoly as its competitors will take over

8. Audi, Volvo, GM, Ford will no longer be dominant

9. Emirates Airlines will no longer be as great as they portrayed themselves to be. Etihad will take over.

10. Electric cars will take over the world.

11. INDIA, CHINA, RUSSIA & ASIA will emerge as the new superpower economies with new talents, freelancers offering high quality & cost effective solutions

12. People who have invested BILLIONS will lose nearly 80% of their savings

13. People will realize the global warming was a fake assumption as the global climates will start to reverse and get colder

14. Another 100 species will get extinct

15. USA will no longer be a world leader as people will no longer want to invest in USA or its empty promises or investments (Especially after the property bubble)

16. A new superpower will emerge and other nations will support it.

17. There will 2 superpowers - one left with their allies and one right with their allies

18. The dollar will no longer have its value or importance

19. People will seek alternative investments

20. Racism, Religious Problems, Outdated Education, Mass Unemployment, Shift in the Corporate Structure

21. The highest number of a youngster who will no longer want to study, learn, go to school or university will be increased to an incredible new high. Self Education will now take over.

22. 99% of what we study today and consider important - will no longer be relevant anymore.

23. Outsourcing Freelancers will occupy a massive share of the market

24. Making easy money online will no longer that easy. The only ones who will survive is those with high credibility.

25. Governments will start taxing online incomes

26. Loy Machedo will have a son and daughter and will be dead and forgotten.

Let me know what you think and which one resonated with you.

Loy Machedo

#thinkpersonalbranding #personalbranding #predictions #world #future

13 Reasons Why I Choose Not To Live In India

#loymachedo shares a controversy

13 Reasons Why I Choose Not To Live In India

Not this is a video that is not going to be liked by many Indians primarily because it addresses a question many have asked me - Why is it that I choose not to stay or reside in India.

I have put together 13 reasons why I choose not to be in India

1. Indian Mentality (Narrow, Religious, Racist, Free)

2. Indian attitude (Urinating, damage public property,

3. Indians pay taxes why?

4. Corruption (Fake degrees) & ignorance

5. Indian population & saturation

6. Competition

7. Hygiene

8. Expensive

9. Education is outdated

10. Double Standards

11. Hostility

12. Rape & Crimes

13. Identity Crisis

These are the main headings as to why I choose not to be in India. Now I am pretty sure everyone will have their view point on why India is great, why they love India, why India is better than most other countries. However, I guess just like other people have their point of view why India is great, I have a point of view as to why India is not so great. In fact, India's greatness cannot be taken as something that just happens by default - especially when you ignore the big problems that are existing.

So here is my take on my I choose not to reside or stay in India. Let me know what you think about it in the comments section below.

#ThinkPersonalBranding #PersonalBranding #India #indians #corruption

13 Reasons Why You Will Fail Guaranteed


13 Reasons why you will Fail Guaranteed

Almost every youtube channel, article and blog has positive articles, optimistic strategies and hyped up 'secrets' to success. But then the question is - why do people still fail? Why is it some just cannot succeed?

In this video I will share with you 13 absolutely sure traits which will ensure you will not succeed at any cost. You can either have 1 or all of these traits. And if you have any one of these traits - you will not succeed.

To summarize what are the points I have stated on this video:

13 reasons you will never succeed

1. You do not have mentor

2. Ignorance (Don't know what you do not know)

3. Arrogance (Think by believing in yourself)

4. Plan Stupid

5. Academically intelligent

6. Lack of Practicality & Commonsense

7. Cherry Picking People's Examples

8. Unwillingness to change

9. Not having a vision, strategy & time bound goal

10. Not willing to get out of your comfort zone

11. Leaving everything last minute

12. Giving excuses

13. Discounting Hard work

So here is my view on 13 Reasons why you will Fail Guaranteed. Let me know what you think about my views in the comments section below. Would love to hear your version of why someone would fail - guaranteed!

Loy Machedo

#thinkpersonalbranding #personalbranding #failure #success #career #todaysgeneration

30 Powerful Strategies To Attract Beautiful Women

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30 Powerful Strategies To Attract Beautiful Women

Almost every male on this planet wants to attract and be desired by Beautiful Women. As a Young Man I wasn't rich, I wasn't handsome, I wasn't popular. So how did I manage to attract so many women?  Well there is no 'hardcore' secret - rather simple strategies on how to get women to like you, trust you and want to be with you.

I have complied a list of 30 Strategies that I believe will help just about anyone to attract beautiful women. Listen to the video and let me know what you think about these strategies.

30 Powerful Strategies To Attract Beautiful Women

1. Be around women

2. Be friends

3. Have something worthwhile

4. Confidence

5. Charm & Charisma (Funny ./ Smart)

6. Communication

7. Conversationalist

8. Popularity

9. Time

10. Money

11. Emotional Intelligence

12. Leader

13. Maturity

14. Physical Attractiveness

15. Common Interests

16. Personal Hygiene

17. Friendship

18. Do things together (help her and you help her)

19. Show her you care

20. Touch is important (not sexual)

21. Tell her secrets

22. Be honest

23. Genuine

24. Dependable

25. Trust

26. Chemistry

27. Connection

28. Sexual intimacy

29. Sense of Style

30. Be YOU mate

Go though these points and let me know what do you think about them.

Loy Machedo

#thinkpersonalbranding #personalbranding #tips #women #attraction #sex #intimacy #love #relationship

10 Tips On How To Build Your Personal Brand

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10 Tips On How To Build Your Personal Brand

Being a Personal Branding Strategist, this is by default the most commonly asked Question - "How can I build My Personal Brand". I find this kind of odd because not only are there tons of videos, articles, and forums that assist people on this answer for free, there is also an overwhelming amount of content that people can easily access.

However, they still have to ask me "Loy, how can I build my Personal Brand". So I thought why not as well create a video and share it for free online so anytime someone once again asks me "How can I build my brand online - I can answer them by giving them this video link.

In this brief video I share the following 10 tips on Personal Branding:

10 tips to building a brand

1. Have a Mentor

2. Identity - Who are you?

3. Purpose - Where are you headed?

4. Strategy - how to execute

5. Time

6. Effort

7. Money

8. Why You (or rather Why Me?)

9. Understand & Communicate What Value You Offer

10. Learn How To Sell YOU

Listen to these points and let me know what do you think about the

10 Tips On How To Build Your Personal Brand

#thinkpersonalbranding #personalbranding #Brand #success #money

Why I Am Against Charity And Helping The Poor For Free

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Why I Am Against Charity And Helping The Poor For Free

Consider the following requests:

1) Mr. Machedo, Can you help me for free?

2) Loy, I have no money. Can you...

3) Hey man, I am out of a job for months. Please...

4) I believe you have a good heart, with that....

5) If you help me for free today, one day I will....

6) Dear Mr. Loy Machedo, I am in desperate help and right now cannot pay you anything...

7) Brother, if you help me for free, I will always pray for you

I get tons of request - everything from helping a person get a well-paid job to help a person with money.

Not a day goes by when I do not receive yet another request to do, give or contribute something for FREE. Apparently, I have a signboard up on my head that says - Loy Machedo will help you for free. And the even bigger mistaken assumption people have is that - I believe in Charity.

So here is newsflash - I do not believe or indulge in Charity at all. Absolutely no. I do not believe in helping anyone for free. Nor will I help anyone for free.


Because whenever I have helped anyone for free - the entire deal and turned itself around and exploded in my face like a bad bad bad mistake. And after the incidents that have taken place in my life (which I have stated in the video) I stopped indulging in Charity.

So here are all the reasons why I do not indulge in charity at all and why I am not interested in Charity.

Watch the video and let me know your thoughts on Why I Am Against Charity And Helping The Poor For Free

Loy Machedo

#ThinkPersonalBranding #PersonalBranding #Poor #charity #Help

Why Do You Need A Mentor / Coach?

#loymachedo answers

Why Do You Need A Mentor / Coach?

For those who know me, read my articles, watch my videos or chat with me know this one statement which I always keep hammering into the heads and hearts of people - "Go get yourself a Mentor".  While most people feel I am trying to advertise myself (which is the truth), the fact is if you do want to succeed in life, if you want your chances to shorten the learning curve, if you want to avoid making many painful and expensive mistakes - then getting yourself a mentor is the only way possible.

In this video, I have stated all the person successes and pitfall that have occurred in my life and I have also opened up about the time when I did take a mentor in my life and the results that followed.

The key points of this video are:

1) Different kinds of Coaches / Mentors

2) Personal Example of Half Marathon

3) Why you should opt for Mentoring / Coaching.

So watch this video in which I share with you my experience been a mentor and coach and also having been mentored and coached by some of the great people I have met in my life. And as usual - if you have any questions on Coaching and Mentoring, please let me know.

#thinkpersonalbranding #personalbranding #mentor #mentoring #coach #coaching #success #failure #change

How To Be More Consistent And Avoid Procrastination

How To Be More Consistent And Avoid Procrastination

How To Be More Consistent, Avoid Procrastination & Develop New Habits.

This seems to be a major challenge for almost anyone and everyone from all walks of life - How to be more consistent and avoid procrastination. Especially given that today - we have so many softwares, apps, website and social media sites which use all the scientific research and weapons necessary to ensure every single person - young or old is distracted and has very little self-control to avoid saying no to them.

And the problem of this is people tend to avoid being consistent with those things that matter and procrastinate with those tasks which are not fun or favorable. It is always "I will do it later"

So in this video what I have done is bring together all the possible simple strategies which have enabled me to ensure that I am able to stay consistent with the things that matter and avoid procrastination.

Here are the main pointers in the video:

How To Be More Consistent And Avoid Procrastination

1. Make it easy (Keep clothes ready - food diet)

2. Do the basic minimum (bare minimum)

3. Do it everyday

4. Get Support

5. Change environment

6. Make it fun

7. Measureable

8. Rewards (show off or buy something)

9. Be clear (Why)

10. Trail & error & modify & improve

Watch the video and share with me your comments below.

How To Be More Consistent, Avoid Procrastination & Develop New Habits.

Loy Machedo

#thinkpersonalbranding #personalbranding #habits #consistency #change, #procrastination 

5 Reasons Why I Am Not Affected By Online Haters

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5 Reasons Why I Am Not Affected By Online Haters

The number of haters I have online is something I find very funny. In fact, I wonder what makes these haters of mine hate me so much. Its like I am busy in own world, doing my own thing, living my own life. But for some reasons - my haters find enough time, energy and opportunities to hate me. In fact, when I ask my haters to STOP following me - they even refuse. Some of them have even asked me - WHY SHOULD I STOP FOLLOWING YOU? WHO THE HELL ARE YOU TO TELL ME SO?

I find that very strange.

So here is a video that I created that deals with How I handle my Haters, my Critics and the people who love to Hate me for some strange reason.

I know we can never have everyone who loves us. At the same time, we cannot get rid of all the people who hate us. So this is my opinion on how to deal with Haters.

The points covered in this video are:

1) Everyone has a Right to their opinion.

2) Opinions are changeable and mean nothing

3) Money talks & Actions Matter

4) Clarity of Values

5) Being Busy

#thinkpersonalbranding #personalbranding #haters #bully #bullying

Why Do I Keep Rebranding, Revamping & Reinventing Myself?

#loymachedo shares

Why Do I Keep Rebranding, Revamping & Reinventing Myself?

#thinkpersonalbranding #personalbranding

How Do I Find My Passion In Life in 6 Practical Steps ?

#loymachedo shares

How Do I Find My Passion In Life in 6 Practical Steps?

#thinkpersonalbranding #personalbranding #passion #youtube

Sunday, October 15, 2017

Masturbation, Religion, Sex

#loymachedo shares his views

Masturbation, Religion, Sex & God - My Controversial Views

#thinkpersonalbranding #personalbranding

Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Thoughts After Receiving Death Threats

Thoughts After Receiving Death Threats

#loymachedo #death #threats #deaththreats

Saturday, October 7, 2017

Dreams, Passion, Millions, BitCoins - The New Fads Of India's Youth

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Dreams, Passion, Millions, BitCoins - The New Fads Of India's Youth

Today in India - the youth has access to the Internet. And with that access - they are swamped with so much information - they do not know what to believe, what to accept, what to reject. Not only that - they have no idea what is fake, what is real, what is bullshit and what is the real fact. Being a Mentor, Coach and Personal Branding Strategist, I receive over 1,000 emails from youngsters with requests from 'How to be Rich' to 'How to be Successful' to 'What is Bitcoin & Cryptocurrency' to 'I want to quit college and pursue my dreams' - the requests never end.
The sad fact is - all of these youngsters fall for the 'Quick-Get-Rich-Scheme' or 'I can do it because....' without considering the consequences for their actions - dropping out of college, trying to take the easy way out or at its worst - believing there is a pot of gold at the end of the Rainbow.
In this talk , I am addressing topics like Dreams, Passion, Millions, BitCoins, Being famous and Being Rich - all questions by the Indian Youth who want to know - what is the "ELUSIVE" secret to success.
Here is my version and my answer of Dreams, Passion, Millions, Bit Coins - The New Fads Of India's Youth

Loy Machedo

#thinkpersonalbranding #personalbranding #India #youth #fad