Saturday, March 25, 2017

Loy Machedo's 21 Principles Of Success - Number 19

Loy Machedo's 21 Principles Of Success - Number 19






Heard of these sayings

Dog eat   Dog world?

The world is a   dark,   dirty,   demonic place….

Either you   kill me or I will   kill you…

Life ain’t   fair…

Well if you haven’t heard of these sayings

I do not blame you

These are my quotes

And they are not published and shared widely

Although I wish people would do that


The way I look at it – you can only achieve success

If you are willing to sacrifice yourself to the extreme

Sacrifice anything and everything just to reach your goal

I know you will say

The world is not such a cruel place

Fine. Fine. Fine.

Its filled with love, hugs and kumbaya.

You most probably are not my target   market

Or you must be some lucky bastard

Who either has a silver spoon up his ass

Or believes in turning his one cheek when someone bitch slaps him

However, if you are not that kind of a person

You would be able to relate to what I am saying…

The fact of the matter is this

If you are not willing to make the   sacrifice

Go the extra   mile,

Do the extra   thing

Do whatever it   takes to succeed

There are hundreds if not thousands who would be gladly willing

To take your place and

do what you thought you were not prepared to do

Take it from me

Either go all in

Or don’t   get into it at all.

Loy Machedo

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