Saturday, March 25, 2017

Loy Machedo's 21 Principles Of Success - Number 18

Loy Machedo's 21 Principles Of Success - Number 18


"Empty your cup" often is attributed

to a famous conversation between

the scholar Tokusan

and Zen Master Ryutan

Scholar Tokusan, who was full of knowledge and opinions about the dharma,

came to Ryutan and asked about Zen.

At one point Ryutan re-filled his guest's teacup

but did not stop pouring when the cup was full.

Tea spilled out and ran over the table.

"Stop! The cup is full!" said Tokusan.

"Exactly," said Master Ryutan.

"You are like this cup; you are full of ideas.

You come and ask for teaching, but your cup is full;

I can't put anything in.

Before I can teach you,

you'll have to empty your cup."

Many times people and clients come to me

They want coaching, guidance and solutions to their problems

However, instead of listening

They start talking and talking and talking

And once they finish talking

When you tell them

What you have analyzed, studied or observed

Instead of listening

They start debating, disagreeing and disputing everything I have stated

They start telling me why I am wrong

Why they are right

And why the world is a   ugly place

And they continue doing this until I end up with a   headache

Initially – I used to dance this tango

But today after many years of experience and wisdom

Now when I understand the direction it is going to go

Immediately I let them know

Either they empty their cup

Or its Fuck Off.

Seriously   Jackass…


Empty your   Cup you   Piece of Shit!

Loy Machedo

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