Saturday, March 25, 2017

Loy Machedo's 21 Principles Of Success - Number 5

Loy Machedo's 21 Principles Of Success - Number 5


I have had the honor of having my life interwoven with women.

Lots of women.

And I mean lots of women.

When I was young, it was more on the attraction side

When I got older, it was more sexual

And when I got even more older,

it was mainly friendship that I was interested in

Today it has everything to do with Coaching, Mentoring & Guiding people – Men or Women.

Given this level of interaction

And this kind of intensity

At some point, all these women share with me

some of their deepest, darkest and most desperate secrets

So do you want to hear the most famous among them all?

The most common, predictable and atrocious one is

Get ready for this….

Faking the Orgasm


Faking the Orgasm.

And Why exactly do they do it?


To get the guy to climax

And so that they can go and sleep

Enjoy a nice deep sleep

In this procedure

There are two suitable candidates

The Fucker (the man who is  )

And the Fuckety (the woman who is being fucked)

So if we look at the equation now…

Fake the Orgasm =

Fucker is Happy

Fuckety (the one who is getting fucked) can sleep peacefully

So in the same way

In the Business & Corporate World

In the Personal & Professional World

You have to Fake The Orgasms

So that the Fucker

(Boss, Clients, People doing business with you)

Can get the pleasure

Feel they have the upper hand

And then

Snooze off to deep sleep

While you have peace of mind

In other words

Fake it – till you make ‘them’ get it

And when you fake the orgasms

People will feel they have achieved their objectives

Of   you over

But in reality – it is you who is getting the last laugh

Or for this matter

A good night sleep

Plus tons of benefits in the morning.

Remember – Fake it till you make it.

And until you make it to the top


Loy Machedo

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