Saturday, March 25, 2017

Loy Machedo's 21 Principles Of Success - Number 8

Loy Machedo's 21 Principles Of Success - Number 8



In NLP it is called Mirroring

In Coaching it is called Rapport

In Business it is called Modeling

When you copy someone’s strategy or recipe or technique

By the book – letter by letter

You will achieve the same results

It can be a software code

It can be a recipe for a cake

It can be an exercise system

It can be a business process

I follow this strategy regularly in everything I do

It can be an online marketing strategy to achieve a particular goal

It can be a biohack that I have to experiment on my physical body

It can be a format I have to use while copywriting

I am constantly modeling someone –

and that someone is a person whom I admire and look up to.

This helps in reducing mistakes

And saves you a hell lot of money, time and effort.

Consider the success of McDonalds

Why is it they are so successful?

Or rather how is it humanly possible that they are able to become

So   successful?

Year after year after year after year?

  hell – its like everyone wishes they could

Emulate their success.

But wait McDonald’s is not the only one.

You have

Burger King



Pizza Hut

Now you must be thinking…

Wait a minute…aren’t these ONLY fast food giants?

Look at Toyota, Ford, Honda, Nissan…

Rather look at successful companies in the same industry…

You will notice one   amazing pattern….

They copy each other

They study each other

They may tweak a few things here and there

Creative Juke Box versus Apple’s iPod

Samsung versus Apple’s iPhone

Tony Robbins versus the entire Coaching industry

All of them have one thing in common

They NEVER reinvent the wheel

They copy it,

They study it

The adopt it

They adapt to it

They improve on it.

I think Dr. Anil K. Sinha said it best

To achieve your goal You have to get into the character of a winner.

Confident people have a certain way of presenting themselves.

Observe people who are confident and successful

And try to emulate them in your life.

So copy as much as you like

So want to achieve success?

Find someone who has the   recipe for the dish.

Copy the recipe

Follow everything to the T

Re-create the same dish

That’s as simple as it is

Loy Machedo

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