Saturday, March 25, 2017

Loy Machedo's 21 Principles Of Success - Number 12

Loy Machedo's 21 Principles Of Success - Number 12


Let me confess

I am the biggest hypocrite where this principle is concerned

I myself find it impossible to focus 100%

Whenever I am on my iMac –

either a youtube video is playing

Or a music is being played on my iPod

Or someone is chatting with me on my iPhone

Or I am checking my FB update

Or I am eating something while working

Or drinking something while working

And if none of these is happening

23 web-browers are kept open at the same time

Just in case I miss something.

But I know for a fact – that if I have to achieve exceptional results

I have to complete zone out everything on this planet

And only focus only on that particular task

And this is not at all easy.

However, when push comes to shove,

I do whatever it takes to succeed.

And it is nothing but magic from then on.

The results I achieve and the work I create –

is nothing short of spectacular.

So now – here is your   challenge.

Follow this principle.

When doing a particular task

Commit to only doing that   task

Nothing else

Absolutely nothing else

Even if it is a practice session

Even if it is a routine activity

Put you complete self – your core – your spirit into it

Focus on the task so powerfully

That time and space should cease to exist

And I can tell you without a doubt

You will be blown away by what results you achieve

Over the period of time.

Loy Machedo

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