Saturday, March 25, 2017

Loy Machedo's 21 Principles Of Success - Number 15

Loy Machedo's 21 Principles Of Success - Number 15



Lets have a look at my journey….

I started off as a Public Speaking Coach

Then became NLP Coach

Then a NLP & Life Coach

Then a Sales Training Coach + NLP & Life Coach

Then a Peak Performance Coach

Then The Tattooed Trainer

Then The Brand Coach

Then The Personal Branding Strategist

Then The #1 Personal Branding Strategist

At every step of the way I tried to find something that made me earn more revenue

However, what I realized was that it (THE BIG   IT) had to be something:

1) What the customers / clients wanted

2) What they were willing to pay more money for

3) What was specialized and specific

4) What was unique in the market

6) What would desperately make them pay me more money right now?

5) What was something that only I could do – and no one else which would position me as an Industry leader?

The last step is what made me evolve to where I stand today.

I made sure I was so good – that if someone wanted a particular service related to the niche industry “Personal Branding” – there would be only one person they could get in touch with – that was me.

Let me give you rough figures

Public Speaking

= 1,000,000 Coaches

NLP Certified

+ Public Speaking

= 100,000 Coaches

Life Coaching

+ NLP Certified

+ Public Speaking

= 10,000 Coaches

ACE Sales Training

+ Life Coaching

+ NLP Certified

+ Public Speaking

= 1,000 Coaches

The Tattooed Trainer

+ ACE Sales Training

+ Life Coaching

+ NLP Certified

+ Public Speaking

= 100 Coaches

The Brand Coach

+ The Tattooed Trainer

+ ACE Sales Training

+ Life Coaching

+ NLP Certified

+ Public Speaking

= 10 Coaches

The Personal Branding Strategist

+ The Brand Coach

+ The Tattooed Trainer

+ ACE Sales Training

+ Life Coaching

+ NLP Certified

+ Public Speaking

= 1 Coach

= Me.

I’m pretty sure you are more interested in the money I am making

In comparison to the so called “assumed averages” of my brand positioning.

So here goes…

Lets calculate the numbers.

Public Speaking Coach = USD $13.61 per hour

Public Speaking + NLP Certified = USD $27.23 per hour

PS + NLP + Life Coaching = USD $54.45 per hour

PS + NLP + LC + ACE Sales Training = USD $136.13 per hour

The Tattooed Trainer = USD $272.26 per hour

The Brand Coach = USD $408.40 per hour

The Personal Branding Strategist = USD $1361.32 per hour

So does that make   sense now?

When you get more SPECIFIC

When you become an EXPERT and something VERY NICHE

When you zero down on something UNIQUE, CREATIVE & CUSTOMIZED

You earn THE BIG   MONEY

Loy Machedo

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