Saturday, March 25, 2017

Loy Machedo's 21 Principles Of Success - Number 16

Loy Machedo's 21 Principles Of Success - Number 16


Behind every successful man – are these two women

1) Technology

2) Social Media

These two women keep evolving,

giving birth to new babies and

constantly out the attention, money and time out of its users.

Now you get tempted to assume

You are indeed knowledgeable about social media

After all you keep posting, loading and sharing

Pictures, updates and links on Social Media


To give you an analogy it is more like

Someone jogging everyday


Someone running a 21kms race


Someone who keep achieving a Personal Record while running a Marathon


Someone who is respected as among the Top Elite

At Running a Marathon & also

Helping others improve and achieve incredible results.

See the   difference?

Going through the   motions doesn’t make you an Industry expert.

Mastery is everything.

Keep this in mind

Social Media has changed the dynamics

How we do business

How we live our lives

How we connect with people

How we interact with people

How we manage our lives

How we educate ourselves

It completely changed everything

In fact – once upon a time if you didn’t go to college

You were finished

Today you do not need to go to college

Courtesy these two women.

So if you are not taming them

They are taming you.

Make sense?

Just keep this locked into your unconscious

Learn to tame these two women

You will be far ahead of your game

Light years ahead.

Loy Machedo

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