Saturday, March 25, 2017

Loy Machedo's 21 Principles Of Success - Number 13

Loy Machedo's 21 Principles Of Success - Number 13




Read that sentence again.

And again.

And again.

And again.

Keep reading it until it sinks into system.

The people you surround yourself with – finally determine what your life will become like.

Surround yourself with the following for 5 years and what do you think will happen?

• Bodybuilders

• Marathon Runners

• Exercise Fanatics

• Businessmen

• Professional Speakers

• Online Marketers

• Non-fiction Readers

• Alcoholic

• Sexual Maniacs

I have personally surrounded myself

with these kinds of people

at different phases of my life.

The funny thing is,

when I did surrounded myself with these kinds of people –

eventually parts of their personality started to rub on me.

And at some point, it encompassed my personality completely.

I started thinking like them,

behaving like them,

eating like them,

acting like them,

trying to model them,

reading & researching what they read and researched,

taking part in projects they took part in,

went for training programs they went to and

spend time interacting and

meeting them frequently – so much so –

I became exactly ‘like them’.

So now ask yourself this question

If you were to lock yourself in a room

With 10 of the greatest minds and the greatest leaders the world has ever seen

For one full year


You being locked in a room

With 10 of your best friends

For one full year

Which one do you think will have the most powerful impact on your life?

So in the same way –

whatever your   goals are –

ask yourself

The people you surround yourself with –

are they kinds whose influence

views, teachings, characteristics, personality traits, values and thoughts

eventually help you reach the top of what you are aiming for?

If the answer is a “no” – then you better get rid of them.

If the answer is an emphatic “yes” – then spend more time with them.

Loy Machedo

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