Saturday, March 25, 2017

Loy Machedo's 21 Principles Of Success - Number 6


Loy Machedo's 21 Principles Of Success - Number 6


Given the fact that I have a massive library

People assume I love to read.

Well, You are wrong

Wrong you might ask?

Yes –   Wrong.

I am a hardcore ADHD

Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder

I find it very painful to sit down in one place and read

In fact – it is the most painful thing in the world

To Sit and Read!

Every time I sit down to read

There is a notification or an update

From facebook,

There is a notification or an update

From twitter,

There is a notification or an update

From youtube,

There is a notification or an update

From twitter

There is a notification or an update

From the messager

And whenever I go get distracted thanks to the notification

I lose focus and then I lose time

You may say – so switch the goddam thing off.

Easy right?

People have no idea how difficult it is for me to

To even do that

My brain, my thoughts, my ability to process information

Is so incredible and fast

Just sit down and read – even a page

Is like sitting on a bed of nails.

I know what you are thinking

Oh yeah right…how uncomfortable.

I know what you must have been expecting

Something more Spartacus or Heroic

Something like going into the battle field

and suffering immensely


When you do what is uncomfortable

You grow

You adapt

You evolve

I take on new courses

I take on new challenges

I take on new assignments

Do what I do not like and what makes me uncomfortable

Because that is the only way I will grow

Loy Machedo

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