Saturday, March 25, 2017

Loy Machedo's 21 Principles Of Success - Number 7

Loy Machedo's 21 Principles Of Success - Number 7



Picture this…

It is 3am in the morning

The alarm clock rings

You get up half drowsy

You open the fridge

Break 4 raw eggs into a jar

You swallow that raw contraption

And then wipe your lips

Its cold and dark

You slip into your exercise gear

Immediately you wear your track pants & your sweater

Suddenly Rocky’s Bill Conti plays in the background




It is inspirational

It is motivational

It is powerful

You punch through the air

Running in the cold dark neighbourhood

You run slow at first…

Then the camera pans out to another scene

Now the sun has come out

You are running faster and faster and faster and faster….

You climb to the top of the stairs….

And then you wave through the millions of people watching…

You have done it!


The next scene…..

You stand half naked….

Revealing a rippling rock solid set of abs muscles

Flexing you amazing muscles…

Your chest so high like Arnold Schwarzenegger

That you can balance a beer bottle on your pectoral muscles…

While you flex those bulging biceps…bulging triceps…bulging sex-ceps….


In front of the camera

and yes, then upload it on facebook to get likes

However….this is far from reality…

Like right now

I am sitting alone at my house at 4:23am

And typing out this article

The only thing bulging high enough to balance a beer bottle…

Is my hair belly.

Neither my biceps, triceps or any ceps are bulging.

I am at home

All alone

No one knows and no one cares

Its quiet, silent and boring

In fact – if someone were to play Rocky’s Bill Conti right now

I would throw the fucker out of the   window.

I like it   quiet.

And I do this shit every night.

Uploading content on my Social Media Channels


Because this is what I love.

And this is what I have to do day in and day out

It is my daily grind

To learn,

To read,

To study,

To generate content

So the point of wisdom?

The struggles of real life are not at all   romantic

The marriages you see on the TV

The success stories you hear about in the Media

The one-sided fairytale success strategies some big shot gives you

None of it is real.

The real shit – well it is as smelly, stinky and shitty

As smelly stinky shitty shit is.

It is tough

It is difficult

And it is a grind.

So if you want to be successful

Remember – none of this shit is romantic.

Loy Machedo

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