Saturday, April 8, 2017

21 Steps Of How To Overcome Depression - Conclusion - VIDEO 26 of 26

21 Steps Of How To Overcome Depression - The Conclusion

In A NutShell

1. Embrace Vulnerability

2. Let the grief out

3. Seek Help

4. Smoking, Drinking, Fucking & Eating

5. Meditation & Self Awareness

6. Do not seek sympathy

7. Don’t make it a Public pity party

8. Face Facts – Accept The Worst

9. Write down how you feel

10. Have someone to talk to

11. Need to start getting busy

12. Use Negative Emotions to Power You

13. Don’t Take Revenge But Take Revenge

14. Have Goals Strengthen You

15. Have Goals that Attack The problem

16. Out of sight, out of mind

17. Change & Creativity

18. Change your environment

19. Physical Exercise & Exertion

20. Help Others

21. Don’t Repeat The Same Mistakes

VIDEO 26 of 26


My Past

As A Child, I Was Raped, Tortured, Tormented, Rejected, Ostracized & Rejected By The Very Family I Loved

From The Age Of 7, I Tried Numerous Times To Commit Suicide

So How Did I Overcome All These Depressing Memories & Moments?

Here Are The 21 Steps Of How I Overcame Depression

Loy Machedo

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