Thursday, August 31, 2017

10 Controversial Questions For Productivity Hacks

10 Controversial Questions For Productivity Hacks

I keep getting asked questions on how to be more productive and how to improve. For some people especially youngsters - they assume that some of us are born 'super human' with 'superhuman' discipline & dedication.

The fact is that we are all ordinary and we are all built from the same cloth. The only thing that makes us different are the choices we make. Here I present to you a few Controversial Questions that I keep asking myself and Controversial Pointers I follow.

They are as follows:

1) Who are the friends/family members I need to break off from?

2) Who are the negative people I need to remove from my life?

3) What are the changes I need to make in my life?

4) Clearing the Clutter, Keeping Things in order & Living Minimal

5) What are the questions I need to ask myself?

6) How can I make my goals more clear, more specific and more measurable?

7) How to avoid Procrastination

8) Even if I know everything - what am I implementing in my life?

9) What are the critical decision I need to make in my life?

10) Am I living an Illusion or Lie?

See if you can get the answers to these questions and at the same time follow these points. Also if you like this video - be aware that a new online video library will be created where you can access videos like these on a pay-per-view basis.

Let me know your thoughts about it.

Loy Machedo

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