Sunday, May 21, 2017

How To Stay Employable During Times Of Recession

How To Stay Employable During Times Of Recession

1. Be clear about you, your brand, your strengths, weaknesses, achievements & failures

2. Understand, Position & Market yourself as a Brand

3. Identify the key skills that make you invaluable to the company

4. Get yourself evaluated through a professional

5. Target & develop new skills

6. Position yourself as a leader by helping others in cyberpace

7. Be Obsessively Competitive in whatever you do

8. Learn to be yourself

9. Have a better creative cover letter

10. Have a killer Resume

11. Make your Resume Sellable – Not a Poster

12. Keep your skills relevant

13. Learn to Brag, Show Off & Blow your own trumpet

14. Target the decision markers

15. Blog and position yourself as an industry expert

16. Ensure your image & photographs are relevant

17. Update your credentials in all networks

18. Build you social network

19. Constantly apply for positions

20. Perfect the art of the elevator pitch

21. Dedicate time to marketing yourself

22. Get yourself a Professional Coach

23. Do work & projects that matters

24. Monopolize a particular skills

25. Always go the extra mile

26. Ensure you leave your signature in everything you do

27. Be different

28. Make a difference

29. Make sure your management notices

30. Keep a journal of your contributions

31. Build relationships with senior management

32. Avoid the shotgun method of job hunting

33. Research – Right Company, Right Position, Right Person

34. Consider a change – Country, Region

35. Be a revenue generator

36. Focus on looking like a winner

37. Have powerful recommendations & references

38. Learn to adapt to technology

39. Embrace Diversity

40. Be mentally prepared to get out of your comforzone

41. Be likable

42. Use charisma, communication & content to sell yourself

43. Learn to start from zero

44. Learn to say no

45. Have the answer to question – From 4,000 other candidates – why choose me






Google My Name "Loy Machedo"

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