Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Expo 2020 - A Financial Disaster Waiting To Happen?

Expo 2020 - A Financial Disaster Waiting To Happen?

Seriously - What is Expo 2020?

What is it?

Does anyone know what it is?

Here is the thing - NO ONE knows what it is but EVERYONE is talking about it.

Here are my views on Expo 2020.

#expo2020 #expo #UAE #dubai #financialmarkets #business #speculation #prediction


Expo 2020 - A Financial Disaster Waiting To Happen?

Expo 2020 - A Financial Disaster Waiting To Happen?

Seriously - What is Expo 2020?

What is it?

Does anyone know what it is?

Here is the thing - NO ONE knows what it is but EVERYONE is talking about it.

Here are my views on Expo 2020.

#expo2020 #expo #UAE #dubai #financialmarkets #business #speculation #prediction


Why Life In The Middle East Is Modernized Slavery

#loymachedo shares another #controversy

Why Life In The Middle East Is Modernized Slavery

Having lived in the Middle East for 36 years - these are my views on how truly is in the Middle East. Don't get me wrong - its not a bad place - however, there are some drawbacks to consider - here are my views.
Everything from getting up on time, to reporting to work on time, to coming back home late, to working 6 days a week - to being a slave to the system....Well - watch, hear and listen to what I have to say and let me know what you think.


#middleeast #gcc #dubai #UAE #slavery #controversy #bahrain #saudi #oman

Monday, May 29, 2017

CBSE 99% Mark Toppers - Who The Fuck Cares?

#loymachedo's controversial video...

CBSE 99% Mark Toppers - Who The Fuck Cares?

For all those nerdy fucking idiots who got 99% in the CBSE results...here is my message to you...


19 Tips To Develop A Personal Brand From Nothing

19 Tips To Develop A Personal Branding From Nothing

I had a talented young man who just got laid off and wanted to start developing a Personal Brand. However, he was confused as to how to go about and what to do.

So here are my 19 tips on how to develop a Personal Brand from Scratch.

Loy Machedo

#thinkpersonalbranding #personalbranding #success #money #coaching #mentoring


Failed in CBSE - What To Do Next?

Failed in CBSE - What To Do Next?

I have been getting a few calls and messages from students who have failed in the CBSE exam. The questions included:

1) What do I do next?

2) I feel like committing suicide

3) I am not interested in studying - I want to DJ or get into modeling

4) I'm confused - what do I do?

Here are my answers.

Loy Machedo


Failed in CBSE - What To Do Next?

Failed in CBSE - What To Do Next?

I have been getting a few calls and messages from students who have failed in the CBSE exam. The questions included:

1) What do I do next?

2) I feel like committing suicide

3) I am not interested in studying - I want to DJ or get into modeling

4) I'm confused - what do I do?

Here are my answers.

Loy Machedo


Sunday, May 28, 2017

Why Shah Rukh Khans TED TALK Is The Worst TED TALK EVER!

Why Shah Rukh Khans TED TALK Is The Worst TED TALK EVER!

What do you get when you have a C-Grade Script Writer with an Over-Rated Bollywood Actor who tries his best to look cool, sound humorous, position himself as profound yet poignant?

You get a Shah Rukh Khan TED Talk.

By far one of the most over-rated talks and one that sells only because of his Bollywood Legacy.

These are my views.

Let me know what you think.

#SRK #ShahRukhKhan #TEDTalk #TED #Speech #evaluation #boring


An Atheist's Question To Arab Muslims About Ramadan

An Atheist's Question To Arab Muslims About Ramadan

I have lived in UAE - An Arab Muslim Country for 36 years of my life. I have nothing but love and respect for Muslims. And even though I have had a few - very few bad incidents in my life involving Arab Muslims - the majority is nothing but good memories and love for Muslims. In fact my closest and best friends who stood up for me in my moment of need - Have ONLY been Muslims.

So please do not misunderstand this as an Attack on Islam and on Muslims.

I have had nothing but good memories of Muslims in my life. And yes,

I respect them and I have very close friends who are Muslims.

However, I feel there should always be dialogue and an open discussion. So here are my views and questions. And I would love to receive your views and responses.

#Islam #Muslims #Ramadan #controversy #views #questions #religion #debate


Benefits of Paid Sex Over Steady Relationships

Benefits of Paid Sex Or Prostitution Over Steady Relationships

So which one is better?

Falling in love? OR Getting someone for providing you with Sex for Money?

You will find this rather surprising but I find a great deal of benefits on having "Paid Sex" - which is more like Fuck and Forget - rather than going in for a "relationship" where you can probably end up making a wrong choice.

Here are my reasons for endorsing Paid Sex Over A Steady Relationship.

#paidsex #sex #prostition #relationships #love


It Is Safer To Be A COW Than A WOMAN In India

#loymachedo shares another controversy

It Is Safer To Be A COW Than A WOMAN In India

India - The Land of Strange Ironical Behaviours and Superstitions. A land where it is indeed safer to be a Cow than a Woman.


Because more love, reverence, respect and honor is given to a COW than a woman.

So if you stay in India - and you have a daughter, wife, sister or woman - well - I do not know what else to say other than - Be Careful!!!


#india #cow #woman #rape #superstition

DTM Toastmaster In UAE Who Is A Womanizer & Sexual Predator

#loymachedo shares a shocker....

DTM Toastmaster In UAE Who Is A Womanizer & Sexual Predator

Please Note: I have changed the name of this person and kept it anonymous. But people who know me and who have been in Toastmasters for many years know EXACTLY who I am talking about. Please be careful of this person. And yeah - if possible get his banned from your club and meetings.

He keeps going for every meeting possible to hunt his victims. And acts as a mentor to many new members. But deep down - his agenda is simple. Nothing but pure evil, dirty politics and sexual favors.


#toastmasters #DTM #sex #sexualpredator #predator #UAE #dubai


DTM Toastmaster In UAE Who Is A Womanizer & Sexual Predator

#loymachedo shares a shocker....

DTM Toastmaster In UAE Who Is A Womanizer & Sexual Predator

Please Note: I have changed the name of this person and kept it anonymous. But people who know me and who have been in Toastmasters for many years know EXACTLY who I am talking about. Please be careful of this person. And yeah - if possible get his banned from your club and meetings.

He keeps going for every meeting possible to hunt his victims. And acts as a mentor to many new members. But deep down - his agenda is simple. Nothing but pure evil, dirty politics and sexual favors.


#toastmasters #DTM #sex #sexualpredator #predator #UAE #dubai


WWE The Rock Has Taken Steroids & Has Had Surgery

#loymachedo shares

WWE The Rock Has Taken Steroids & Has Had Surgery

To the uneducated eye, WWE The Rock is all natural. Only eats protein and works out in the gym without taking any unnatural substance. But to the educated mind especially those who have used steroids and been into bodybuilding - will know that The Rock - Dwayne Johnson not only uses Steroids (which personally I don't think is wrong) but has also undergone surgery to look so perfect.

Here is my view and logic behind the argument. Let me know what you think.


#TheRock #WWE #DwayneJohnson #Steroids #HGH

WWE Jinder Mahal Uses Steroids - Here Is Proof

#loymachedo answers

WWE Jinder Mahal Uses Steroids - Here Is Proof
People still keep arguing about the fact is Jinder Mahal Using Steroids or is he Natural.
Here is the answer.
HGH or Human Growth Hormone is what he takes.
Watch and let me know your thoughts.


#WWE #JinderMahal #Steroids #HGH

Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Try New Environments - Loy Machedo's 1-Minute Educational Video

Try New Environments - Loy Machedo's 1-Minute Educational Video

New Things Equal New Experiences - Loy Machedo's 1-Minute Educational V...

New Things Equal New Experiences  - Loy Machedo's 1-Minute Educational Video

Do New Exciting Crazy Things - Loy Machedo's 1-Minute Educational Video

Do New Exciting Crazy Things - Loy Machedo's 1-Minute Educational Video

Do New Exciting Crazy Things - Loy Machedo's 1-Minute Educational Video

Do New Exciting Crazy Things - Loy Machedo's 1-Minute Educational Video

Your Personality Overlaps In All Areas Of Your Life - Loy Machedo's 1-Mi...

Your Personality Overlaps In All Areas Of Your Life - Loy Machedo's 1-Minute Educational Video

Your Personality Overlaps In All Areas Of Your Life - Loy Machedo's 1-Mi...

Your Personality Overlaps In All Areas Of Your Life - Loy Machedo's 1-Minute Educational Video

A Hidden Secret Of Your Personality - Loy Machedo's 1-Minute Educational...

A Hidden Secret Of Your Personality - Loy Machedo's 1-Minute Educational Video

Spend Money Keeping Others Happy - Loy Machedo's 1-Minute Educational Video

Spend Money Keeping Others Happy - Loy Machedo's 1-Minute Educational Video

What You Can Learn From The Last 6 Months - Loy Machedo's 1-Minute Educa...

What You Can Learn From The Last 6 Months - Loy Machedo's 1-Minute Educational Video

Having Multiple Personalities - Loy Machedo's 1-Minute Educational Video

Having Multiple Personalities - Loy Machedo's 1-Minute Educational Video

Deposit In A Human Piggy Bank - Loy Machedo's 1-Minute Educational Video

Deposit In A Human Piggy Bank - Loy Machedo's 1-Minute Educational Video

Create Value For Others For Free - Loy Machedo's 1-Minute Educational Video

Create Value For Others For Free - Loy Machedo's 1-Minute Educational Video

The Tim Ferris Principle - Loy Machedo's 1-Minute Educational Video

The Tim Ferris Principle - Loy Machedo's 1-Minute Educational Video

Be a Happy Fun Catalyst - Loy Machedo's 1-Minute Educational Video

Be a Happy Fun Catalyst - Loy Machedo's 1-Minute Educational Video

Spend 30 Minutes Doing This Everyday - Loy Machedo's 1-Minute Educationa...

Spend 30 Minutes Doing This Everyday - Loy Machedo's 1-Minute Educational Video

Spend 30 Minutes Doing This Everyday - Loy Machedo's 1-Minute Educationa...

Spend 30 Minutes Doing This Everyday - Loy Machedo's 1-Minute Educational Video

Knowledge Is Not Power - Loy Machedo's 1-Minute Educational Video

Knowledge Is Not Power - Loy Machedo's 1-Minute Educational Video

What I learnt from Jacob Philip - Loy Machedo's 1-Minute Educational Video

What I learnt from Jacob Philip - Loy Machedo's 1-Minute Educational Video

Not Everyone Is Born Equal - Loy Machedo's 1-Minute Educational Video

Not Everyone Is Born Equal - Loy Machedo's 1-Minute Educational Video

What Is Limiting You? - Loy Machedo's 1-Minute Educational Video

What Is Limiting You? - Loy Machedo's 1-Minute Educational Video

The Art Of Flirting - Loy Machedo's 1-Minute Educational Video

The Art Of Flirting - Loy Machedo's 1-Minute Educational Video

Being Obsessed About A Singular Idea - Loy Machedo's 1-Minute Educationa...

Being Obsessed About A Singular Idea - Loy Machedo's 1-Minute Educational Video

What I Learn From Aaron Dean D'Souza - Loy Machedo's 1-Minute Educationa...

What I Learn From Aaron Dean D'Souza - Loy Machedo's 1-Minute Educational Video

Ask Weird Impossible Questions - Loy Machedo's 1-Minute Educational Video

Ask Weird Impossible Questions - Loy Machedo's 1-Minute Educational Video

Your Brand Versus Your Perception - Loy Machedo's 1-Minute Educational V...


Your Brand Versus Your Perception - Loy Machedo's 1-Minute Educational Video

Seek Uncomfortable Realistic Feedback - Loy Machedo's 1-Minute Educatio...

Seek Uncomfortable Realistic Feedback  - Loy Machedo's 1-Minute Educational Video

Monday, May 22, 2017

Why Do I Need Coach? Can't I Do It Through Self-Learning?

Why Do I Need Coach? Can't I Do It Through Self-Learning?









Google My Name "Loy Machedo"

Sunday, May 21, 2017

Losing 11kgs in 8 Days - Loy Machedo's Weight Loss Tips

Losing 11kgs in 8 Days - Loy Machedo's Weight Loss Tips

1. Family Support

2. Managing Fridge & Food Cabinet

3. If you fail to plan, you’re planning to fail

4. Tupperware

5. Cooking in Advance

6. Awareness List

7. Your Circle of Friends Define You

8. The Elusive List

9. Research & Information

10. Fasting

11. Intermittent Fasting

12. Easy Gym Access

13. Ice Ice Baby

14. Plan Out Your Gym Workouts

15. Keep The Goals Simple

16. Be Consistent

17. The Most Important Day – The Cheat Day

18. Delayed Gratification – Pause & Breath

19. You Failed – So What?

20. A Lifestyle Choice









Google My Name "Loy Machedo"

How To Stay Employable During Times Of Recession

How To Stay Employable During Times Of Recession

1. Be clear about you, your brand, your strengths, weaknesses, achievements & failures

2. Understand, Position & Market yourself as a Brand

3. Identify the key skills that make you invaluable to the company

4. Get yourself evaluated through a professional

5. Target & develop new skills

6. Position yourself as a leader by helping others in cyberpace

7. Be Obsessively Competitive in whatever you do

8. Learn to be yourself

9. Have a better creative cover letter

10. Have a killer Resume

11. Make your Resume Sellable – Not a Poster

12. Keep your skills relevant

13. Learn to Brag, Show Off & Blow your own trumpet

14. Target the decision markers

15. Blog and position yourself as an industry expert

16. Ensure your image & photographs are relevant

17. Update your credentials in all networks

18. Build you social network

19. Constantly apply for positions

20. Perfect the art of the elevator pitch

21. Dedicate time to marketing yourself

22. Get yourself a Professional Coach

23. Do work & projects that matters

24. Monopolize a particular skills

25. Always go the extra mile

26. Ensure you leave your signature in everything you do

27. Be different

28. Make a difference

29. Make sure your management notices

30. Keep a journal of your contributions

31. Build relationships with senior management

32. Avoid the shotgun method of job hunting

33. Research – Right Company, Right Position, Right Person

34. Consider a change – Country, Region

35. Be a revenue generator

36. Focus on looking like a winner

37. Have powerful recommendations & references

38. Learn to adapt to technology

39. Embrace Diversity

40. Be mentally prepared to get out of your comforzone

41. Be likable

42. Use charisma, communication & content to sell yourself

43. Learn to start from zero

44. Learn to say no

45. Have the answer to question – From 4,000 other candidates – why choose me









Google My Name "Loy Machedo"

Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Clean Your Digital Data Always - Loy Machedo's 1-Minute Educational Video

Clean Your Digital Data Always - Loy Machedo's 1-Minute Educational Video

Stop Running Away From The Truth - Loy Machedo's 1-Minute Educational Video

Stop Running Away From The Truth - Loy Machedo's 1-Minute Educational Video

Do What Matters, Not Bullshit - Loy Machedo's 1-Minute Educational Video

Do What Matters, Not Bullshit - Loy Machedo's 1-Minute Educational Video

Stop Being Stingy In Investing Yourself - Loy Machedo's 1-Minute Educati...

Stop Being Stingy In Investing Yourself - Loy Machedo's 1-Minute Educational Video

Make Time For Yourself - Loy Machedo's 1-Minute Educational Video

Make Time For Yourself - Loy Machedo's 1-Minute Educational Video

Don't Make Life Too Easy - Loy Machedo's 1-Minute Educational Video

Don't Make Life Too Easy - Loy Machedo's 1-Minute Educational Video

Stop Excuses - Just Do It! - Loy Machedo's 1-Minute Educational Video

Stop Excuses - Just Do It! - Loy Machedo's 1-Minute Educational Video

Make Time For Education - Loy Machedo's 1-Minute Educational Video

Make Time For Education - Loy Machedo's 1-Minute Educational Video

Know Clearly What You Want - Loy Machedo's 1-Minute Educational Video

Know Clearly What You Want - Loy Machedo's 1-Minute Educational Video

Creativity Does Not Mean Being Messy - Loy Machedo's 1-Minute Educationa...

Creativity Does Not Mean Being Messy - Loy Machedo's 1-Minute Educational Video

Creativity Does Not Mean Being Messy - Loy Machedo's 1-Minute Educationa...

Creativity Does Not Mean Being Messy - Loy Machedo's 1-Minute Educational Video

Write Down Your Ideas Always - Loy Machedo's 1-Minute Educational Video

Write Down Your Ideas Always - Loy Machedo's 1-Minute Educational Video

Hard Work & Consistency Beats Talent Anyday - Loy Machedo's 1-Minute Edu...

Hard Work & Consistency Beats Talent Anyday - Loy Machedo's 1-Minute Educational Video

Check Your Patterns - Loy Machedo's 1-Minute Educational Video

Check Your Patterns - Loy Machedo's 1-Minute Educational Video

How To Search For Love Intelligently - Loy Machedo's 1-Minute Educationa...

How To Search For Love Intelligently - Loy Machedo's 1-Minute Educational Video

What do you post on Social Media Matters - Loy Machedo's 1-Minute Educat...

What do you post on Social Media Matters - Loy Machedo's 1-Minute Educational Video

Why Your Mindset Matters - Loy Machedo's 1-Minute Educational Video

Why Your Mindset Matters - Loy Machedo's 1-Minute Educational Video

Your Mindset Matters - Loy Machedo's 1-Minute Educational Video

Your Mindset Matters - Loy Machedo's 1-Minute Educational Video

Stop Storing Stuff - Loy Machedo's 1-Minute Educational Video

Stop Storing Stuff - Loy Machedo's 1-Minute Educational Video

Never Give Up Even In Love - Loy Machedo's 1-Minute Educational Video

Never Give Up Even In Love - Loy Machedo's 1-Minute Educational Video

Grab Opportunities Before Its Too Late - Loy Machedo's 1-Minute Educatio...

Grab Opportunities Before Its Too Late - Loy Machedo's 1-Minute Educational Video

The Power of Appreciation - Loy Machedo's 1-Minute Educational Video

The Power of Appreciation - Loy Machedo's 1-Minute Educational Video

Investing In Yourself - Loy Machedo's 1-Minute Educational Video

Investing In Yourself - Loy Machedo's 1-Minute Educational Video

Importance of having a Backup - Loy Machedo's 1-Minute Educational Video

Importance of having a Backup - Loy Machedo's 1-Minute Educational Video

Monday, May 8, 2017

Sunday, May 7, 2017

The No Money Mentality - Loy Machedo's 1-Minute Educational Video

#loymachedo #thinkpersonalbranding #personalbranding

The No Money Mentality - Loy Machedo's 1-Minute Educational Video

Learn To Ask For Money - Loy Machedo's 1-Minute Educational Video

#loymachedo #thinkpersonalbranding #personalbranding

Learn To Ask For Money - Loy Machedo's 1-Minute Educational Video

Overcoming ADHD & Distractions - Loy Machedo's 1-Minute Educational Video

Overcoming ADHD & Distractions - Loy Machedo's 1-Minute Educational Video

What is Your Morning Ritual - Loy Machedo's 1-Minute Educational Video

What is Your Morning Ritual - Loy Machedo's 1-Minute Educational Video

Why You Must Write Down Ideas - Loy Machedo's 1-Minute Educational Video

Why You Must Write Down Ideas - Loy Machedo's 1-Minute Educational Video

Use Technology To Achieve Your Goals - Loy Machedo's 1-Minute Educationa...

Use Technology To Achieve Your Goals - Loy Machedo's 1-Minute Educational Video

SEO can save your life - Loy Machedo's 1-Minute Educational Video

SEO can save your life - Loy Machedo's 1-Minute Educational Video

Monetize Everything You Do - Loy Machedo's 1-Minute Educational Video

Monetize Everything You Do - Loy Machedo's 1-Minute Educational Video

Focus On What You Are Naturally Strengths - Loy Machedo's 1-Minute Educ...

Don't Wish It - Do it Now!!! - Loy Machedo's 1-Minute Educational Video

The Power Of Choices - Loy Machedo's 1-Minute Educational Video

The Power Of Choices - Loy Machedo's 1-Minute Educational Video

Be Prepared For Any Situation - Loy Machedo's 1-Minute Educational Video

Be Prepared For Any Situation - Loy Machedo's 1-Minute Educational Video

The Power of An Online Presence - Loy Machedo's 1-Minute Educational Video

The Power of An Online Presence - Loy Machedo's 1-Minute Educational Video

Saturday, May 6, 2017

Ask Me Questions - Loy Machedo's 1-Minute Educational Video

Ask Me Questions - Loy Machedo's 1-Minute Educational Video

The Best Form Of Revenge You Can Have - Loy Machedo's 1-Minute Education...

The Best Form Of Revenge You Can Have - Loy Machedo's 1-Minute Educational Video

Why I Choose Not To Forgive & Forget - Loy Machedo's 1-Minute Educationa...

Why I Choose Not To Forgive & Forget - Loy Machedo's 1-Minute Educational Video

What To Do After You Fail - Loy Machedo's 1-Minute Educational Video

What To Do After You Fail - Loy Machedo's 1-Minute Educational Video

Good Or Bad Is Relative - Loy Machedo's 1-Minute Educational Video

Good Or Bad Is Relative - Loy Machedo's 1-Minute Educational Video

Live Life On Your Terms - Loy Machedo's 1-Minute Educational Video

Live Life On Your Terms - Loy Machedo's 1-Minute Educational Video

Live Life On Your Terms - Loy Machedo's 1-Minute Educational Video

Live Life On Your Terms - Loy Machedo's 1-Minute Educational Video

Tools of The Trade - Loy Machedo's 1-Minute Educational Video

How To Test Someone's Character - Loy Machedo's 1-Minute Educational Video

How To Test Someone's Character - Loy Machedo's 1-Minute Educational Video

How To Test Someone's Character - Loy Machedo's 1-Minute Educational Video

How To Test Someone's Character - Loy Machedo's 1-Minute Educational Video

Bad Advice From Good People - Loy Machedo's 1-Minute Educational Video

Bad Advice From Good People - Loy Machedo's 1-Minute Educational Video

Why Change Is A Bitch? - Loy Machedo's 1-Minute Educational Video

Why Change Is A Bitch? - Loy Machedo's 1-Minute Educational Video

Why Do I Say The Word Fuck - Loy Machedo's 1-Minute Educational Video

Why Do I Say The Word Fuck - Loy Machedo's 1-Minute Educational Video

Why Am I Making These Videos - Loy Machedo's 1-Minute Educational Video

Why Am I Making These Videos - Loy Machedo's 1-Minute Educational Video

Surround Yourself With Greatness - Loy Machedo's 1-Minute Educational Video

Surround Yourself With Greatness - Loy Machedo's 1-Minute Educational Video

Message To Suicide & Depressed People - Loy Machedo's 1-Minute Education...

Message To Suicide & Depressed People - Loy Machedo's 1-Minute Educational Video

Making Mistakes - My Philosophy - Loy Machedo's 1-Minute Educational Video

Making Mistakes - My Philosophy - Loy Machedo's 1-Minute Educational Video

The Morning Secret - Loy Machedo's 1-Minute Educational Video

The Morning Secret - Loy Machedo's 1-Minute Educational Video

Friday, May 5, 2017

A Lesson From Sachin Tendulkar - Loy Machedo's 1-Minute Educational Video

 A Lesson From Sachin Tendulkar - Loy Machedo's 1-Minute Educational Video

Why Talent is Useless - Loy Machedo's 1-Minute Educational Video

Why Talent is Useless - Loy Machedo's 1-Minute Educational Video

Your Friends Will Determine Your Success - Loy Machedo's 1-Minute Educat...

Your Friends Will Determine Your Success - Loy Machedo's 1-Minute Educational Video

What To Do If Your Parents Don't Believe In You - Loy Machedo's 1-Minute...

What To Do If Your Parents Don't Believe In You - Loy Machedo's 1-Minute Educational Video

Success Was Never Meant To Be Easy - Loy Machedo's 1-Minute Educational...

Success Was Never Meant To Be Easy  - Loy Machedo's 1-Minute Educational Video

Success Was Never Meant To Be Easy - Loy Machedo's 1-Minute Educational...

Success Was Never Meant To Be Easy  - Loy Machedo's 1-Minute Educational Video

Change Is Not Based On Mood Swings - Loy Machedo's 1-Minute Educational ...

Change Is Not Based On Mood Swings - Loy Machedo's 1-Minute Educational Video

Take Charge Of Your Life - Loy Machedo's 1-Minute Educational Video

Take Charge Of Your Life - Loy Machedo's 1-Minute Educational Video

Who Is In Control Of Your Life - Loy Machedo's 1-Minute Educational Video

Who Is In Control Of Your Life  - Loy Machedo's 1-Minute Educational Video

Who Is In Control Of Your Life - Loy Machedo's 1-Minute Educational Video

Who Is In Control Of Your Life  - Loy Machedo's 1-Minute Educational Video

Don't Be A One-Hit-Wonder - Loy Machedo's 1-Minute Educational Video

Don't Be A One-Hit-Wonder  - Loy Machedo's 1-Minute Educational Video

Success Is All About Consistency - Loy Machedo's 1-Minute Educational Video

Success Is All About Consistency - Loy Machedo's 1-Minute Educational Video

Benefits of Getting Stuck In Traffic - Loy Machedo's 1-Minute Educationa...

Benefits of Getting Stuck In Traffic - Loy Machedo's 1-Minute Educational Video

What Is Your Early Morning Routine? - Loy Machedo's 1-Minute Educationa...

What Is Your Early Morning Routine?  - Loy Machedo's 1-Minute Educational Video

Monday, May 1, 2017

Heartfelt Message Of Peace, Love, Respect & Success

Heartfelt Message Of Peace, Love, Respect & Success

Developing Your Gut Feeling - Loy Machedo's 1-Minute Educational Video

Developing Your Gut Feeling - Loy Machedo's 1-Minute Educational Video

How Much Are You Willing To Invest In YOU - Loy Machedo's 1-Minute Educa...

How Much Are You Willing To Invest In YOU - Loy Machedo's 1-Minute Educational Video

Right Questions Versus Right Answers - Loy Machedo's 1-Minute Educationa...

Right Questions Versus Right Answers - Loy Machedo's 1-Minute Educationa...

What Is A Mastermind Mate - Loy Machedo's 1-Minute Educational Video

What Is A Mastermind Mate - Loy Machedo's 1-Minute Educational Video

The Mastermind Group - Loy Machedo's 1-Minute Educational Video

The Mastermind Group - Loy Machedo's 1-Minute Educational Video

Why You Should Have Daily Goals - Loy Machedo's 1-Minute Educational Video

Why You Should Have Daily Goals - Loy Machedo's 1-Minute Educational Video

The Power of Consistency - Loy Machedo's 1-Minute Educational Video

The Power of Consistency - Loy Machedo's 1-Minute Educational Video

Why Positive Thinking Is Bad - Loy Machedo's 1-Minute Educational Video

Why Positive Thinking Is Bad - Loy Machedo's 1-Minute Educational Video

The Most Powerful Sense You Have - Loy Machedo's 1-Minute Educational Video

The Most Powerful Sense You Have - Loy Machedo's 1-Minute Educational Video

The Most Powerful Sense You Have - Loy Machedo's 1-Minute Educational Video

The Most Powerful Sense You Have - Loy Machedo's 1-Minute Educational Video

Employ Slow, Terminate Fast In Relationships - Loy Machedo's 1-Minute Ed...

Employ Slow, Terminate Fast In Relationships - Loy Machedo's 1-Minute Educational Video

Why You Shouldn't Aim For Perfection - Loy Machedo's 1-Minute Educational Videos

Why You Shouldn't Aim For Perfection - Loy Machedo's 1-Minute Educational Videos

Success Cannot Work Like This - Loy Machedo's 1-Minute Educational Video

Success Cannot Work Like This - Loy Machedo's 1-Minute Educational Video

Super Busy? Here Is The Solution - Loy Machedo's 1-Minute Educational Video

Super Busy? Here Is The Solution - Loy Machedo's 1-Minute Educational Video 

Don't Have Time - The Solution - Loy Machedo's 1-Minute Educational Video

Don't Have Time - The Solution - Loy Machedo's 1-Minute Educational Video

Don't Have Time - The Solution - Loy Machedo's 1-Minute Educational Video

Don't Have Time - The Solution - Loy Machedo's 1-Minute Educational Video

Make Sure Your Boss Likes You - Loy Machedo's 1-Minute Educational Video

Make Sure Your Boss Likes You - Loy Machedo's 1-Minute Educational Video

How To Develop A New Skill Easily - Loy Machedo's 1-Minute Educational V...

How To Develop A New Skill Easily - Loy Machedo's 1-Minute Educational Video

The 1st Impression Principle - Loy Machedo's 1-Minute Educational Video

The 1st Impression Principle - Loy Machedo's 1-Minute Educational Video

Behind The Scenes Moment - Loy Machedo's 1-Minute Educational Video

Behind The Scenes Moment - Loy Machedo's 1-Minute Educational Video

Why Try Out New Things Always - Loy Machedo's 1-Minute Educational Video

Why Try Out New Things Always - Loy Machedo's 1-Minute Educational Video

Message To Expats In The Middle East - Loy Machedo's 1-Minute Educationa...


Message To Expats In The Middle East - Loy Machedo's 1-Minute Educationa...

What Is Purposeful Perfect Practice - Loy Machedo's 1-Minute Educational...

What Is Purposeful Perfect Practice - Loy Machedo's 1-Minute Educational Video

Why Youngsters Do Not Achieve Their Dreams - Loy Machedo's 1-Minute Educ...

Why Youngsters Do Not Achieve Their Dreams - Loy Machedo's 1-Minute Educational Video

If Your Children Don't Study - Here's The Solution - Loy Machedo's 1-Min...

Parents Stop Asking Children To Get A Rank - Loy Machedo's 1-Minute Educ...

Parents Stop Asking Children To Get A Rank - Loy Machedo's 1-Minute Educational Video

Parents Stop Asking Children To Get A Rank - Loy Machedo's 1-Minute Educ...

Parents Stop Asking Children To Get A Rank - Loy Machedo's 1-Minute Educational Video

How Do You Define Your Life? - Loy Machedo's 1-Minute Educational Video

How Do You Define Your Life? - Loy Machedo's 1-Minute Educational Video

If Not Study, Then Do What? - Loy Machedo's 1-Minute Educational Video

If Not Study, Then Do What? - Loy Machedo's 1-Minute Educational Video

My Opinion About CBSE Education - Loy Machedo's 1-Minute Educational Video

My Opinion About CBSE Education - Loy Machedo's 1-Minute Educational Video

Eat The Frog Principle - Loy Machedo's 1-Minute Educational Video

Eat The Frog Principle - Loy Machedo's 1-Minute Educational Video