Sunday, July 31, 2016

Work Only 5 Days & Earn Money The Whole Month - Loy Machedo's Secret

1) Identify Your Passion
2) Know What Is It You Are Good At Doing “Naturally”
3) What Is It That I Can Offer?
4) Know The Answer – Why Should People Come To Me?
5) Be Prepared To Work Patiently On Yourself
6) Get Ready To Have A Student Mentality
7) Adopt, Adapt & Accumulate (Trade Secrets)
8) Dare To Differ (find what others are doing – go the other way)
9) Identify Loopholes & Take Advantage of Them
10) Be Creative & Original
11) Study, Research & Learn – Every Single Day
12) Have A Critical Feedback Loop
13) Have A World Class Mentor
14) Invest Time, Effort & Money
15) Have A Mad Bad Obsession
16) Ensure Persistent Perfect Practice
17) Start Small, Miss Small, Make Small Mistakes
18) Remember The Mistakes & Study Them
19) Remember It’s a Business
20) Keep Pushing The Boundaries
21) Ask Yourself – What Should I Do To Be Able To Charge More
22) Ask Yourself – What More Can I Learn?
23) Marketing? Share Knowledge For Free On Social Media
24) Ensure You Know How To Use The Power Of Social Media To Your Advantage
25) Know the Mix – Marketing, Meetings & Manpower
26) My Mix – 40% Study, 40% Marketing & 20% Work
27) Surround Yourself With Greatness
28) Be Selfish With Your Time
29) Know Your Brand
30) Ensure Your Signature Is Your Work
31) Always Collect Plenty of Recommendation From Every Happy Customer – Every single time
32) Parade the Recommendations on the WWW
33) Shamelessly Ask for References
34) Head & Heart – Keep Them Apart (This Is Business)
35) Charge By The Hour
36) Know Your Charges (Hour, Day, Project, Month, Year)
37) Remember – Charge Your Friends & Loved Ones Because Your Enemies Will Never Pay
38) Make sure You Give Them Such Good Service – They Only Want You
39) Likability Is A Secret Ingredient Of Success
40) Logic, Your Ability To Effectively Handle Your Client & Authenticity Would Ensure You Are Always In Demand
41) Ensure You Learn The Art of Negotiation, Sales & Business Management
42) Stay Never Violate Your Brand Character
43) Follow the 80/20 Principle
44) What is your BHAG
45) Be Consistently Unpredictable
46) Let Negative Energy Drive You (Hate, Fear, Low Self Esteem)
47) Be Prepared To Make Hard Heartless Human-less Decisions
48) Ensure Singularity of Social Media
49) Have A Team To Do Your Work
50) Make It Fun, Easy & Effortless
51) Don’t Aim For Perfection. Just Do It

Loy Machedo
Personal Branding Strategist |

And as a Bonus Point
Read Tim Ferris – 4 Hour Work Week!
A truly worthwhile book that may inspire you to greatness.